Which Dental Emergency Causes Cyanosis and How to Avoid It?

Which Dental Emergency Causes Cyanosis and How to Avoid It?

During the dental procedure, a lot of accidents may occur that can lead to various kinds of emergency situations. One of these unique situations is Cyanosis, and it may be the result of certain mishaps within the dental procedure. In this article, we shall explore what are those particular emergencies, and what professionals can do to avoid them at all costs.

What is Cyanosis?

Cyanosis is a condition that leads to the skin or mucous membrane taking a bluish colour, that resembles cyan. It may be the result of certain diseases and accidents, but there are 2 main dental emergencies that may cause it. They are:

  1. Anaphylaxis
  2. Airway Obstruction

We shall go into their further details now.

Cyanosis caused due to dental emergency:

The details on dental emergencies and how you can avoid them are as follows:


Exposure to allergens during a dental setup may lead to a condition known as anaphylaxis. This is one of the deadliest and probably the most severe allergic reactions, that may result in various symptoms, one of them being cyanosis. If not treated immediately, it may potentially lead to the death of the individual.

How to avoid Anaphylaxis?

The patients need to collaborate with the dentist beforehand to ensure that there are no materials being used that the individual is quite allergic to. For those two things are important:

  1. The patient should know what they are allergic to.
  2. The dentist should know what particular materials their items are made up of. With that, it would be easy for them to remove it on time.

After all the allergens and potential allergens have been removed, the dentist must find alternatives to use for the check-ups and operation procedures of their patient.

Airway Obstruction:

As the name suggests, in airway obstruction your windpipe may get blocked, most likely due to slippage of dental inspection equipment, and may render the patient unable to breathe. Due to not being able to breathe, oxygen may not reach their body and lead to cyanosis, since cyanosis is also caused when the oxygen intake is reduced to life-threatening levels like in cases of choking.

How to avoid Airway obstruction?

Some of the precautions both the dentist and the patient should take to avoid slippage of dental equipment include:

  • The dentist should hold the equipment firmly, preferably with an added grip.
  • The patients should avoid moving too much as it may lead to the dentist’s hand losing balance.
  • The dentist should ensure if their patient is in a comfortable position, which in turn will ensure that the patient does not move their mouth or body unnecessarily.

Final Thoughts

Cyanosis is a very painful medical emergency that can lead to death if not treated immediately. While dentists should take care to avoid such a situation from occurring at all costs, some incentives should also be taken within a clinic, to avoid any major loss in times of extreme emergency.